A good daily home dental care routine is extremely helpful. At Dentoc we teach you how to achieve this. Toothbrush and floss don’t remove plaque and tartar build-up from all the areas of the mouth, therefore, additional, regular cleaning at the dentist is essential in maintaining your oral health.
At Dentoc Dental Clinic, we offer three types of patient-centred professional cleanings- the Dentoc Classic, the Dentoc Advance and the Dentoc Sparkling Clean with Air Polish.
Please see below for details of the various types of Dental Cleaning we offer:
The classic clean
Generally recommended for non-smoking patients who adhere to the recommended 3-6 monthly check-ups. This removes plaque and tartar from areas of the month the toothbrush and/or floss can’t reach.
The Advanced Cleaning
Recommended for non-smoking patients who have heavily stained teeth but do not adhere to the 3-6 monthly regular check-ups. This does the same as the classic clean but takes care stains on the teeth.
The Advance Sparkling Clean with Air-polishing
Recommended for smoking patients with heavily stained teeth caused by years of smoking, drinking coffee, tea or red wine and ingestion of some foods. This does the same as the Advance clean but is for those with heavy stains.
Cleaning most often requires only one dental visit but, in some cases, more than one visit may be necessary.